Patients would typically come in and see someone to have their blood pressure recorded, or they might have to provide it to a receptionist over the phone if they had a BP monitor. This took up a lot of time and resources.
Send patient questionnaires (Floreys) to all hypertension patients to ask if they had a blood pressure machine and, if so, to submit their readings
Send follow-up messages to patients with high readings, asking them to submit readings over 4-7 days via a Florey
Help adjust anti-hypertensive medications and take a more holistic approach to cardiovascular disease
When you have people like me who lead very busy lives, it helps me and it will help a lot of other people because you don’t have to wait for an appointment or spend hours ringing the Surgery.
in controlled blood pressure across the practices’ patient population
spent contacting hypertensive patients each month – from 20 hours to just 4
in the time needed to hit QOF hypertension targets
The two practices we trialled this with received 2,000 responses within the first few weeks. We’re thrilled to have achieved incredibly positive outcomes for patients and staff, while also reducing costs and improving the patient experience. Accurx has been vital to this. I’m confident that this way of managing long-term conditions in general practice can serve as a model for primary care organisations nationwide.