- Better understand their patients’ experiences by gathering crucial feedback
Automated post-appointment messages were utilised to ensure that patients were routinely asked to complete the Friends and Family Test (FFT). Batch messaging was also used to ask recently discharged patients to complete a Patient-Reported Experience Measures (PREMs) questionnaire with ease.
The service now receives more than 560 FFT and more than 90 PREMs responses per month.
- Increase ease of access to useful information and resources to patients using patient messaging templates.
Over 60 patient message templates were created to make it quick and easy for the team at Sussex MSK Partnership East to share important information with patients so that they knew what to expect and signpost them to useful resources.
Since the service started using these patient message templates, they have seen a 238% increase in the number of patients visiting their website to access resources, resulting in lower volumes of phone calls from patients and a greater confidence in patients arriving adequately prepared for their appointment.